
Spots Everywhere!

I know, I know, it's been a while since our last post, so I will get you all caught up on Luke's activities. Luke broke out a couple of weeks ago with spots all over his body! There was not fever so the Dr. thought it was hives & something he ate. I don't think I gave him anything different to eat & the next day he started to run a low grade fever, so we are thinking it was a little virus. Luckily it didn't slow him down at all & the rash didn't seem to bother him. Here are a few candid shots of him at bath time....


Marsha said...

Oh, that looks hurtful. Glad to know that he is better.

Pete and April said...

Jacob had the same thing a couple weeks ago...we thought it was a reaction to amoxicillan, but turns out his was a virus too!